
In these terms, the word "tools" refers to our calculators/apps/resources/etc


Our tools are FREE to use for private and commercial use!

No need to contact us to request permission - just use them how you want.

Privacy Policy:

You need to read and agree to our Privacy Policy - it explains how your personal data is used by us.

Browser Requirements:

We only support the latest versions of the most popular browsers – Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.

You are free to use any browser you want! But we will only offer support for the above browsers.


We take no responsibility for any losses or problems – You use our site,services,tools at your own risk.
(This includes but is not limited to: loss of profits, inaccuracies, work stoppage, errors, access, loss of data, personal injury or property damage.)

This includes the accuracy of our calculators/tools / translations of the site / translations of the tools.

We've tried to make everything as accurate as possible, and if you report a problem – we'll fix it – but we don't except any responsibility for losses caused.


We may, at any time, change these Terms with or without notice. Any modification will be effective immediately. Your continued use of our site and services constitutes your acceptance of these new Terms.